Welcome to Shafaetsplanet
A place to have fun with algorithms, programming and much more!
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About Me

Hi, I am Shafaet Ashraf. I work in Traveloka.com (Singapore) as a backend-engineer. Previously I have worked as a challenge curator in HackerRank.com.

Research Experience:
Former Intern researcher at Center For Quantum Technology in National University of Singapore.
Summary: Wrote a quantum network simulator which will be published soon. Worked in quantum network protocol design.
Supervisor: Dr. Stephanie Wehner

Image: My research group in NUS!

Competitive Programming:
I represented Department of University of Dhaka (CSE) in many programming competitions including ACM-ICPC regionals. I was a National Champion in 2012. My Highest Topcoder Rating is 1568(Yellow). Currently I am a judge and problem-setter of ACM ICPC Regional Contests.

An efficient method for extracting subtrees against forest query.
Published in ACM IMCOM 2015 conference, Bali, Indonesia

Don't hesitate to contact to discusss about anything or just to say hi!

Email: shafaet.csedu[at]gmail[dot].com